Thursday, 14 March 2013

report- task 2

Photorealism was originated in USA in the 1960's by a style of painting, printing and sculpting this involves the precise reproduction of a photograph on using cameras and photographs to gather visual information and then from this creating a painting that appears to be photographic. Photorealist painting cannot exist without the photograph. In Photorealism, change and movement must be frozen in time which must then be accurately represented by the artist. Photorealists gather their imagery and information with the camera and photograph. Once the photograph is developed (usually onto a photographic slide) the artist will steadily transferred the image from the photographic slide onto canvases.
This is a cinematic from the game assassin’s creed black flag on Xbox 360 and PS3 and the cinematic from heavy rain ps3.

Cel shading

Cel shading often misspelled as cell shading is a type of non-photorealistic rendering and an illumination model designed to make computer graphics appear to be hand-drawn. However, just because an image maintains this appearance or has a sharp outline, this does not necessarily mean it has been cel-shaded. The difference lies in the methods of lighting which have been employed, using a limited number of colour shades depending on depth of view and calculating values for each individual pixel accordingly. In addition to computer graphics, it most commonly turns up in video games. However, the result of cel-shading has a very simplistic feel like that of hand-drawn animation. Cel-shading is used in games for example Naruto, Borderlands were cel-shading.

Cel-shading from naruto(Xbox 360, ps3) and lion king (created by Disney )


Abstraction is a process by which concepts are derived from the usage and classification of real concepts, first principles, or other methods. A concept that acts as a super-categorical noun for all subordinate concepts. Abstractions may be formed by reducing the information content of a concept or an observable phenomenon, typically to retain only information which is relevant for a particular purpose. For example, abstracting a leather soccer ball to the more general idea of a ball retains only the information on general ball attributes and behaviour, eliminating the other characteristics of that particular ball. The process of picking out common features of objects and procedures.

Several video games provoke childlike and playful experiences that involve exaggerated movements and expressions. Various exaggerated features such as character movements, expressions and actions, provide viewers and players a sense of amusement, opportunity and longing. These exaggerations reflect elements of expressionism, theatre acting and animation and are re adapted into the game culture. in my opinion if games are no exaggerated then the game would not be able to grab a persons attention, because if a game is about fighting, war and explosions and they are not a bit exaggerated people will think the game is boring because an explosion can be massive which can create excitement with the player also you immediately look at it to see what is happening.

Bibliography for pictures:

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